Mindfulness Activities lead to Motivational Behaviour Talk and Tips creating a new podcast

Tutorial video to start a live podcast in 2019. Interview with Ash Roy from Productive Insights Podcast. Special thanks to Ash with this interview that goes into a deep discussion on mindfulness and success in your personal life and profession. Topics including becoming the authority in your field, finding the right subject matter to start…
Mindfulness Programs for Business and Training Benefits in 2019

Charlotte Thaarup is a world-renowned, clinical mindfulness consultant and transformative educator. Guy interviews his step mother Charlotte about Mindfulness practices so you can live the ultimate lifestyle. The benefits of watching this video are to learn ways to reduce stress, being more efficient and understanding that trust is such an important key in the success…
Learn wordpress development step by step 2019

WordPress website builder course for beginners with video, infographics, a tutorial guide on how to Learn wordpress development step by step in 2019 to take your developer training to the next level with our Internet marketing strategies. We believe that this is one of the best wordpress courses if your looking to develop your business, blog…
Internet Marketing Plan Interview James Schramko

My mate James Schramko is a really inspiring man! Here is an interview about Internet marketing and some of his tips and advice in creating the most amazing lifestyle you can live. He talks about the 80/20 rule, working less and making more money by having an offer that converts as your 1st priority. How…
How to do organic search engine optimization in 2019

How to do organic search engine optimization examples Screenshot of how we organically ranked in Google Images with search engine optimization. I recently asked Guy Sohm to share some of his SEO results and how he achieved them, to share them on the blog as a case study. How do i make my wordpress website…
How To Get More Traffic For Your Business

Tips On How To Get More Traffic For Your Business. Here we cover a few basic marketing strategies to grow your business. To drive traffic to your website and boost your sales with a Social media, Joint Ventures and Affiliate marketing programs. IN PLAIN TEXT: Well Designed Website Start with a super simple, clean website…
SEO Tips For How To Find Relevant Keywords For Your Website

Infographic in plain text: Finding Keywords 1. Work out your keywords by brainstorming all the possible words people could use to find your product or service. What are people going to type into Google when they’re looking for each topic? Research what your competition is doing. 2. Try different combinations of words in Google and…
Tips And Techniques For Keeping Visitors On Your Website in 2020

What Are The Best Techniques For Keeping Visitors On Your Website in 2020 IN PLAIN TEXT: LOAD TIME Having pages that load quickly will help to improve SEO. To speed up load time, you can make sure your images aren’t too big. Try to keep images below 700kb. You can create small file sizes by…